Venice, Italy |
Today we're going to be taking you on a world wind tour of Venice in winter this was the final stop of her travels in Italy and her first time visiting the famed floating city yes we may have arrived during the coldest time of year but we grabbed whatever mismatched layers we had and hit the ground running so join us as we share with you some o fthe best things to see do and eat in Venice well hello hello there from Venice Italy everybody have made it can you see our breath yeah it sure is winter and we're dealing with a weather system that just came in beast from the east yeah my goodness has been cold we had minus 12 which included wind chill this morning yeah and so we are bundled up in our you know our finest that we've brought along on this winter trip oh yeah anyways given the weather we're still gonna try to go out and explore as much as we can of Venice and this is gonna be our little mini Travel Guide I have to say one of our favorite things to do in the city is to just walk down the little back lanes half the time we don't even know where we're going but I mean this is a really fun city to get lost in what do you think oh yeah for sure
I know so we are now on a quest to reach the Rialto Bridge you kind of know we're in the vicinity of it but there's quite a bit of backtracking in the city because you get a lot of dead ends right no we're close I've already come up with a favorite activity like hands down and what's been lost getting along because it happens so often that if you don't have a good attitude about it you're not gonna enjoy being here yeah I think part of the charm of Venice is just going down these little alleys and like seeing where they lead alright alright next stop next up we're outside just standing beneath the rial to bridge yeah and what I can tell you about this bridge is that it's the oldest bridge here in Venice yeah also you there's a lot of shopping if you on the bridge the bridge is really wide there's a lot of shops yeah almost like a little mini arcade like right down the middle of it yeah and this is one of four bridges that crosses over the Grand Canal you don't have very many crossing points but this is one of those next up let's talk about transportation in Venice aside from ambling through the city and getting to experience its maze-like layout another efficient and scenic way to get around is by boat the vaporettois venice's very own water bus service and though the fare is pricey it's worth keeping at least once during your stay to give you an idea the standard ticket is 750 euros and valid for 60 minutes the one-day passes 20 euros and valid for 24 hours and while the prices only go up from there and now let's head over to what may be the most visited attraction in Venice biatch a San Marco there is quite a bit to see and do around the square
But let's begin with St. Mark's Basilicanamed so as it's believed to house the relics of Mark the Evangelist no videos are photography are allowed inside but admission is free if you're willing to brave the long lines then directly across from the Basilica you have Saint Mark's Campanile a a tall brick bell tower which was once used by approaching ships as a beacon to guide them home there is an elevator to whisk you all the way to the top four views of the city then you have the doges palace which was the residence of the Doge of Venice the ruler of the former Republic of Venice the palace was built in the Venetian Gothic style and today it's a museum that's open to tourists and we can't forget the Bridge of Sighs his name refers to the size of prisoners who would get the last glimpse of Venice as they were led from the interrogation rooms of the Doge's Palace to themselves then looking across to the other side of the Grand Canal you have the Basilica of Saint Mary of health this basilica was built as an offering for the city's deliverance of the plague outbreak that hit the summer of 1630 killing one-third of the population and not too far from the Basilica you also have the Galleria del academia in case you're in the mood for art okay so we've talked about the vaporettonow let's talk about gondolas and gondoliers and that might be the most iconic vision that most people have a better yeah a romantic ride down the canal right exactly so in terms of the price guys it's 80 euros and you can split that amongst five people and that gives you 30 minutes so the cool thing is you can be out here on the Grand Canal and you can also go down some of the little ones as well - yeah and if you want to do it at night when it'seven more romantic that'll cost you a hundred years oh my gosh let's have cash- splash that's it on that someone's happy about the snow hey hey there hey oh no oh no check out the Podesta well it's not that deep by Canadian standards avenge her Venice this is quite a bit
but let's take a break from all the sightseeing to introduce you to a restaurant we really enjoyed la SOPAa place where all the dishes are made with pumpkin all right so we are all settled in the restaurant and we've ordered three different pumpkin dishes to share between Sam and I we got the plan de track on burroughs a la salvia every cottage in our town so from what I can understand this has pumpkin and butter and some ricotta runs yeah when we were first reading this plan to me as a dessert at least until finish it is but apparently this is savory and it hasnutmeg they said yeah and also a few different spices that's really good trust with cheese and these looks like some flower seeds thinking I guess he'shaving that as well how does it you've been tripping it so how is it it's delicious delicious yeah like how can you so how would you to describe it though and so every mean yeah it's just creamy and great pumpkin flavor yes and my indie folk is playing in the background so there you go you could just curl up and take it out of the - this one's my favorite so far alternatively if you prefer to cook at home there's a rialto market specializing in produce and fresh seafood though it wasn't the livelieston a snowy day and now let's talk about island hopping in Venice because on one particular cold morning while Audrey stayed home I decide to visit the nearby islands so there are a number of different daytrips you can basically take from Venice's a number of different islands as Murano there's Murano but we've decided to go where Dad where are we today tour cello yeah and all our plan basically is just to go for a walk we're gonna I think we're gonna pass by a Cathedral Church maybe a ruin and then also we're we've got a food on their mind we might go and get a coffee and a little place - yes this is gonna be nice and relaxing we're we're looking forward to it founded in the 5th century tour cello is even older than Venice and was the original settlement in the venetian lagoon this is a very peaceful island with lots of walking paths and nature and the main reason to visit this island is to see the Byzantine mosaics in the 7th century cathedrals of Santa Mariadel L Santa and from there it was a hop over toMurano so I'm visiting Burano at the moment and my first impressions are justit's so different from Venice it's just so colorful it's quiet there's a little bit of nature and yeah I don't really have anagenda or plan I'm just gonna go around and explore Murano is known for its lacework and brightly colored homes there are plenty of restaurants cafes and shops to browse but my visit was short because there were a few more islands I wanted to visit next up miserable this island sits next to Burano is connected by a bridge it's an often overlooked island pali because it's not as colorful but is known for its vineyards and orchards this is absolutely fascinating after walking around here for a little while I don't think I've seen another tourist I've just seen locals out walking their dogs and lots of laundry blowing in the wind from there
my next Island was Murano which is renowned for its glass production glass making on this island dates back to about 1291 when the glassmakers of Venice were forced to relocate by the Venetian government for fear that a fire could destroy homes and bridges which were made out of wood okay guys I decided to come over Toledo which is actually online number one so basically you leave the Grand Canal and then you arrive at this other Island and the first thing I have noticed and this has been a shocker ooh because the last few days I haven't seen cars and there are cars on this island so that is my very first impression of Lido
I've got to say guys it is so strange seeing cars again so what I'm noticing different about Lido so far is that there's modern architecture and it's yet it's a little bit nondescript like this could be kind of anywhere this is an 11 kilometers and bar island that shelters a lagoon from the Adriatic Sea that means beaches lots of seaside homes and this is also where the Venice Film Festival takes place every year so yeah the plan for today we're gonna take it easy on the sightseeing it's gonna be very light but we are gonna get some food hoping to find some Venetian dishes Sam spotted a restaurant that he thought looked really good look really good it's like it's very close to our place and I just noticed it after taking a ferry ride yesterday so we're gonna go and hopefully have our lunch there you're right we're gonna be skating in Venice today another restaurant we liked in Venice is Austin llamo Senegal this was a cozy restaurant specializing in local cuisine the one dish that we would recommend trying is Saturday in so odd this is a typical Venetian dish made with sardines with a sweet and sour sauce featuring onions raisins pine nuts and spices so these are pickled sardines and a sweet-and-sour sauce that's right it's just typical of Venice because it was away of preserving fish it's been popular since the Middle Ages and it also has white onions raisins pine nuts it's so good I mean this dishes have not and I've already been sharing it around the table too what's your favorite part of it there's also a mysterious and the onion and while your vaporetto pass is still foul love why not go ride the canals at night and watch the floating city come to life as always we hope you enjoyed this Venice travel guide and that it gave you a few ideas for your own trip
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